Hip & Gluteal Pain Relief Treatment
This treatment for Hip and Gluteal Pain Relief works to release restrictions and/or sub-acute and chronic pain in the rotators, flexors and extensors of the hip.
It is especially helpful in relieving types of sciatica and is excellent for runners and other sports athletes.
Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy and/or Muscular Energy Techniques are applied.
Leg Pain Relief Treatment
The Therapeutic Medical Massage Therapy for Leg Pain Treatment focuses on the hamstrings, adductors, quadriceps, ITB and all calf muscles.
This 45-, 60- or 90-minute advanced bodywork focuses on healing pain in the legs and feet.
It is also excellent in relieving plantar fasciitis, where pain is experienced on the bottom of the foot.
This therapy is excellent for the active sports person. It’s great for runners. It is particularly appropriate for athletes as most sports involve using the legs. Runners find this protocol especially useful in increasing their endurance.
The Leg Pain protocol helps to relieve iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome and plantar fasciitis.
This treatment calls for applications of Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy and/or Muscular Energy Techniques.
Foot Pain Relief Treatment
Give your feet a break!
This treatment uses soft fists, thumbs and fingers to rid the feet of toxins and adhesions. Massage therapy for feet is done with soothing essential oils such as juniper.
The feet are almost always a sore spot.
Even when they’re not sore, feet just love the attention.
Plantar Fasciitis symptoms include heel or foot pain to the point of not being able to put weight on the foot, especially in the morning.
Many cases of heel pain are characterized by inflammation.
First, the fascia begins to pull on the bone and the tissues become irritated, then inflamed.
Inflammation of the fascia is called fasciitis.
Inflammation of the fascia making is painful tissue, making it very difficult to walk.
Tightness in the calf is usually the source of the problem.
I mainly work there with PNF (Proprioceptor Neuromuscular Facilitation), which is an advanced stretching technique, to help alleviate this condition.
Remember that it’s most helpful to become proactive and learn how to apply PNF one’s self in between visits!
Plantar Fasciitis can be sudden onset or chronic (long lasting or frequently occurring).
Ignoring the condition can lead to heel spurs from the pulling of connective tissue at the heel causing the bone to over-grow.
Runners with overly tight calves are also at risk for developing Achilles Tendinitis and other more serious conditions.