Clients get a skilled physical evaluation before the hands-on session.
Muscular imbalances are generally the cause of your pain.
I understand how these imbalances developed over time.
I also understand how to help reverse the imbalances through using state-of-the-art muscular-skeletal alignment methods coupled with advanced stretching and strengthening techniques.
Client patronage is appreciated. You pay only for the hands-on work.
These two phases of the session, the pre-session physical evaluation and post-session stretching-strengthening education are invaluable, yet quick and free of charge.
Client education for self-care done at home is crucial. It goes a long way toward success in any professional therapeutic relationship.
Some of the Benefits a Good Massage Therapist Can Give You:
- You will feel more relaxed
- Your pain will reduce or vanish
- You will sleep better
- You will feel calmer
- You will feel more content