ATTENTION! Massage does not help colds. To help prevent the spread of illness to my clients and myself, if you have a cough, cold, sniffles or any such symptoms, even if you don’t feel ill, please wait until they are gone before you book your appointment. Your consideration is greatly appreciated.
Atlantic Massage & Muscular Therapies, LLC
322 Amherst Street, Nashua, NH 03063.
(603) 233-3808

Save Money! Ask me about multi-session discount packages!

A healing space is a place where knowledge is power. Skilled massage therapists know that people who are in pain or experiencing too much stress often stay that way due to a lack of education concerning their own body.
Those around them may not understand what they are going through physiologically either and, sadly in some cases, don’t want to hear about it.
This can lead the sufferer to dissociate from their pain and live silently with dysfunction to the point of developing chronic states. Anyone in this kind of situation not only needs validation but to be given hope, information and empowerment toward their own wellness.
Does this sound familiar? It does to me. I’ve heard it thousands of times over the last two decades.
Discover how your occupation and activities of daily living, such as sitting at a computer, gardening, running or participating in whatever sports you love, may have led to injury, muscular imbalances and/or unhealthy postural habits resulting in pain.
Then experience advanced bodywork applied by a highly trained Certified Neuromuscular Massage Therapist.
It can be life changing.
If you have pain or want deep relaxation, come visit my spacious suite at 322 Amherst Street in Nashua.
Get your FREE pre-session physical evaluation and post-session self-care education, both of which are crucial to the success of any bodywork.
Call (603) 233-3808 to make an appointment, or click here to see my calendar and book online.
Packages and gift certificates are transferable but not refundable.
Please shower within a reasonable time period before your massage (2 days).
Massage does not help colds. If you have a cough or cold please wait until it is gone before you book your appointment.
If you are running over 15-minutes late for your appointment, please call to see if you’ll need to reschedule. Thank you.
Sincerely, Joe Danna, CNMT