Pain-Spasm-Pain Cycle

pain spasm pain cycle (1)

When there is pain the muscle reacts by going into spasm thinking it is protecting itself. This causes more ischemia, pain from the ischemia, and then more spasm. In order to break this cycle the muscle needs to be released and reset.

NMT (Neuromuscular Technique), PNF (Proprioceptor Neuromuscular Facilitation), and other reflexive treatments are facilitated and the cycle can be broken.

Common Problems Brought to Massage Therapists

Hip, Back and Shoulder Pain

Massage therapists know that upper back pain and neck pain are common among people who work at computers all day. Medical massage therapists understand that a forward head causes certain muscles to become overstretched and weak in their ongoing struggle to pull the head back. A series of stretches and strengthening exercises helps in creating new postural habits to correct this painful condition.

Joe Danna, CNMT, Nashua Massage Therapist Reviews

Nashua Massage: Nashua massage therapist reviews

I always go to Joe for a massage. He knows a multitude of techniques, is compassionate and is able to provide a wonderful massage. I feel like I was just on vacation after seeing him yesterday. I was so stressed and beginning to get ill. He plays lovely music during the massage and you are the only one there. I highly recommend him to anyone who wants a true professional!